18 struct SegmentDateKey;
47 void toStream (std::ostream& ioOut)
std::string _flightNumber
Handle on the StdAir library context.
boost::posix_time::time_duration Duration_T
std::string _departureDate
SegmentDateKey getSegmentKey() const
const std::string toString() const
Base class for the keys of Business Object Model (BOM) layer.
LegDateKey getLegKey() const
Key of a given inventory, made of the airline code.
FlightDateKey getFlightDateKey() const
std::string _boardingTime
InventoryKey getInventoryKey() const
Key of a given flight-date, made of a flight number and a departure date.
std::string _boardingPoint
void toStream(std::ostream &ioOut) const
Key of a given segment-date, made of an origin and a destination airports.
void fromStream(std::istream &ioIn)
const Duration_T getBoardingTime() const