►Nboost | Forward declarations |
►Nsoci | |
Ctype_conversion< stdair::AirlineStruct > | |
►Nstdair | Handle on the StdAir library context |
CAirlineClassList | Class representing the actual attributes for a segment-features |
CAirlineClassListKey | Key of airport-pair |
CAirlineFeature | Class representing various configuration parameters (e.g., revenue management methods such EMSRb or Monte-Carlo) for a given airline for the simulation |
CAirlineFeatureKey | |
CAirlineStruct | |
CAirportPair | Class representing the actual attributes for an airport-pair |
CAirportPairKey | Key of airport-pair |
CBasChronometer | |
CBasDBParams | Structure holding the parameters for connection to a database |
CBasFileMgr | |
CBasLogParams | Structure holding parameters for logging |
CBomAbstract | Base class for the Business Object Model (BOM) layer |
CBomArchive | Utility class to archive/restore BOM objects with Boost serialisation |
CBomDisplay | Utility class to display StdAir objects with a pretty format |
CBomHolder | Class representing the holder of BOM object containers (list and map) |
CBomHolderKey | |
CBomID | Class wrapper of bom ID (e.g. pointer to object) |
CBomINIImport | Utility class to import StdAir objects in a INI format |
CBomJSONExport | Utility class to export StdAir objects in a JSON format |
CBomJSONImport | Utility class to import StdAir objects in a JSON format |
CBomKeyManager | Utility class to extract key structures from strings |
CBomManager | Utility class for StdAir-based objects |
CBomRetriever | Utility class to retrieve StdAir objects |
CBomRoot | Class representing the actual attributes for the Bom root |
CBomRootKey | Key of the BOM structure root |
CBookingClass | |
CBookingClassKey | |
CBookingClassListEmptyInNestingStructException | |
CBookingRequestStruct | Structure holding the elements of a booking request |
CBreakPointStruct | |
CBucket | Class representing the actual attributes for an airline booking class |
CBucketKey | Key of booking-class |
CCancellationStruct | Structure holding the elements of a travel solution |
CCmdAbstract | |
CCmdBomManager | |
CCmdBomSerialiser | |
CCmdCloneBomManager | |
CCodeConversionException | |
CCodeDuplicationException | |
CConfigHolderStruct | |
CConfigINIFile | |
CContinuousAttributeLite | Class modeling the distribution of values that can be taken by a continuous attribute |
Cdate_time_element | |
CDatePeriod | Class representing the actual attributes for a fare date-period |
CDatePeriodKey | Key of date-period |
CDbaAbstract | |
CDBManagerForAirlines | |
CDBSessionManager | |
CDefaultDCPList | |
CDefaultDtdFratMap | |
CDefaultDtdProbMap | |
CDefaultMap | |
CDemandGenerationMethod | Enumeration of demand (booking request) generation methods |
CDictionaryManager | Class wrapper of dictionary business methods |
CDocumentNotFoundException | |
CDoWStruct | |
CEventException | |
CEventStruct | |
CEventType | |
CFacAbstract | |
CFacBom | Base class for Factory layer |
CFacBomManager | Utility class for linking StdAir-based objects |
CFacCloneBom | Base class for Factory layer |
CFacServiceAbstract | |
CFacSTDAIRServiceContext | Factory for Bucket |
CFacSupervisor | |
CFareFamily | Class representing the actual attributes for a family fare |
CFareFamilyKey | Key of a given fare family, made of a fare family code |
CFareFeatures | Class representing the actual attributes for a fare date-period |
CFareFeaturesKey | Key of date-period |
CFareOptionStruct | Structure holding the elements of a fare option |
CFFDisutilityCurveHolderStruct | |
CFFDisutilityFilePath | |
CFileNotFoundException | |
CFlightDate | Class representing the actual attributes for an airline flight-date |
CFlightDateKey | Key of a given flight-date, made of a flight number and a departure date |
CFlightPeriod | |
CFlightPeriodKey | |
CForecastingMethod | |
CFRAT5CurveHolderStruct | |
CFRAT5FilePath | |
CInputFilePath | |
CInventory | Class representing the actual attributes for an airline inventory |
CInventoryKey | Key of a given inventory, made of the airline code |
CJSonCommand | Enumeration of json commands |
CJSONString | JSON-formatted string |
CKeyAbstract | Base class for the keys of Business Object Model (BOM) layer |
CKeyDuplicationException | |
CKeyNotFoundException | |
CLegCabin | Class representing the actual attributes for an airline leg-cabin |
CLegCabinKey | Key of a given leg-cabin, made of a cabin code (only) |
CLegDate | |
CLegDateKey | |
CLogger | |
CMemoryAllocationException | |
CNestingNode | |
CNestingNodeKey | Key of a given policy, made of a policy code |
CNestingStructureKey | Key of a given policy, made of a policy code |
CNonInitialisedContainerException | |
CNonInitialisedDBSessionManagerException | |
CNonInitialisedLogServiceException | |
CNonInitialisedRelationShipException | |
CNonInitialisedServiceException | |
CObjectCreationgDuplicationException | |
CObjectLinkingException | |
CObjectNotFoundException | |
CODFilePath | |
COnDDate | Class representing the actual attributes for an airline flight-date |
COnDDateKey | Key of a given O&D-date, made of a list of OnD strings. a OnD string contains the airline code, the flight number, the date and the segment (origin and destination) |
COptimisationMethod | |
COptimisationNotificationStruct | |
CParsedKey | |
CParserException | |
CParsingFileFailedException | |
CPartnershipTechnique | Enumeration of partnership techniques |
CPassengerChoiceModel | |
CPassengerType | |
CPeriodStruct | |
CPolicy | |
CPolicyKey | Key of a given policy, made of a policy code |
CPosChannel | Class representing the actual attributes for a fare point of sale |
CPosChannelKey | Key of point of sale and channel |
CPreOptimisationMethod | |
CProgressStatus | |
CProgressStatusSet | |
CRandomGeneration | Class holding a random generator |
CRMEventStruct | |
CRootException | Root of the stdair exceptions |
CRootFilePath | Root of the input and output files |
CSampleType | Enumeration of BOM sample types |
CScheduleFilePath | |
CSegmentCabin | Class representing the actual attributes for an airline segment-cabin |
CSegmentCabinKey | Key of a given segment-cabin, made of a cabin code (only) |
CSegmentDate | Class representing the actual attributes for an airline segment-date |
CSegmentDateKey | Key of a given segment-date, made of an origin and a destination airports |
CSegmentPeriod | |
CSegmentPeriodKey | |
CSegmentSnapshotTable | Class representing the actual attributes for an airline segment data tables |
CSegmentSnapshotTableKey | Key of a given guillotine block, made of a guillotine number |
CSerialisationException | |
CServiceAbstract | |
CServiceInitialisationType | Enumeration of service initialisation types |
CSimpleNestingStructException | |
CSimpleNestingStructure | |
CSnapshotStruct | |
CSQLDatabaseConnectionImpossibleException | |
CSQLDatabaseException | |
CSTDAIR_Service | Interface for the STDAIR Services |
CSTDAIR_ServiceContext | Class holding the context of the Stdair services |
CStructAbstract | Base class for the light structures |
CTimePeriod | Class representing the actual attributes for a fare time-period |
CTimePeriodKey | Key of time-period |
CTravelSolutionStruct | Structure holding the elements of a travel solution |
CUnconstrainingMethod | |
CVirtualClassStruct | |
CYieldFeatures | Class representing the actual attributes for a yield date-period |
CYieldFeaturesKey | Key of date-period |
CYieldRange | |
CYieldStore | |
CYieldStoreKey | |
►Nstdair_test | |
CBookingClass | |
CCabin | |
►Nswift | The wrapper namespace |
CSKeymap | The readline keymap wrapper |
CSReadline | The readline library wrapper |
CFloatingPoint | |
CTypeWithSize | |
CTypeWithSize< 4 > | |
CTypeWithSize< 8 > | |