StdAir Logo  1.00.3
C++ Standard Airline IT Object Library
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Import section
3 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4 // STL
5 #include <cassert>
6 #include <ostream>
7 #if BOOST_VERSION >= 103400
8 // Boost ForEach
9 #include <boost/foreach.hpp>
10 #endif // BOOST_VERSION >= 103400
11 // StdAir
15 #include <stdair/bom/BomRoot.hpp>
16 #include <stdair/bom/Inventory.hpp>
18 #include <stdair/bom/LegDate.hpp>
20 #include <stdair/bom/LegCabin.hpp>
24 #include <stdair/bom/Bucket.hpp>
31 namespace stdair {
33  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
34  void BomJSONExport::
35  jsonExportFlightDateList (std::ostream& oStream,
36  const BomRoot& iBomRoot,
37  const AirlineCode_T& iAirlineCode,
38  const FlightNumber_T& iFlightNumber) {
40  // Check whether there are Inventory objects
41  if (BomManager::hasList<Inventory> (iBomRoot) == false) {
42  return;
43  }
45 #if BOOST_VERSION >= 104100
47  // Create empty property tree objects
48  bpt::ptree pt;
49  bpt::ptree ptInventoryList;
51  // Browse the inventories
52  const InventoryList_T& lInventoryList =
53  BomManager::getList<Inventory> (iBomRoot);
54  for (InventoryList_T::const_iterator itInv = lInventoryList.begin();
55  itInv != lInventoryList.end(); ++itInv) {
56  const Inventory* lInv_ptr = *itInv;
57  assert (lInv_ptr != NULL);
59  // Retrieve the inventory key (airline code)
60  const AirlineCode_T& lAirlineCode = lInv_ptr->getAirlineCode();
62  // Display only the requested inventories
63  if (iAirlineCode == "all" || iAirlineCode == lAirlineCode) {
65  // Flight date tree
66  bpt::ptree ptFD;
67  // Create an empty flight-dates array
68  bpt::ptree lFDDatePropertyTree;
70  // Check whether there are FlightDate objects
71  if (BomManager::hasMap<FlightDate> (*lInv_ptr) == false) {
72  return;
73  }
75  // Browse the flight-dates
76  const FlightDateMap_T& lFlightDateList =
77  BomManager::getMap<FlightDate> (*lInv_ptr);
78  for (FlightDateMap_T::const_iterator itFD = lFlightDateList.begin();
79  itFD != lFlightDateList.end(); ++itFD) {
80  const FlightDate* lFD_ptr = itFD->second;
81  assert (lFD_ptr != NULL);
83  // Retrieve the key of the flight-date
84  const FlightNumber_T& lFlightNumber = lFD_ptr->getFlightNumber();
85  const Date_T& lFlightDateDate = lFD_ptr->getDepartureDate();
87  // Display only the requested flight number
88  if (iFlightNumber == 0 || iFlightNumber == lFlightNumber) {
90  // Add the airline code to the inventory tree
91  ptFD.put ("airline_code", lAirlineCode);
92  // Put flight number in property tree
93  ptFD.put ("number", lFlightNumber);
94  // Put flight date date in property tree
95  ptFD.put ("date", lFlightDateDate);
97  // Put the current flight date tree in the array
98  ptInventoryList.push_back(std::make_pair("", ptFD));
100  }
101  }
103  }
104  }
106  // Store the inventory(ies) array tree into the global tree
107  pt.add_child ("inventories", ptInventoryList);
109  // Write the property tree into the JSON stream.
110  write_json (oStream, pt);
111 #endif // BOOST_VERSION >= 104100
112  }
114  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
115  void BomJSONExport::jsonExportFlightDate (bpt::ptree& ioFDPropertyTree,
116  const Inventory& iInventory,
117  const FlightNumber_T& iFlightNumber) {
119  // Check whether there are FlightDate objects
120  if (BomManager::hasMap<FlightDate> (iInventory) == false) {
121  return;
122  }
124 #if BOOST_VERSION >= 104100
126  // Create an empty flight-dates array
127  bpt::ptree lFDDatePropertyTree;
129  // Browse the flight-dates
130  const FlightDateMap_T& lFlightDateList =
131  BomManager::getMap<FlightDate> (iInventory);
132  for (FlightDateMap_T::const_iterator itFD = lFlightDateList.begin();
133  itFD != lFlightDateList.end(); ++itFD) {
134  const FlightDate* lFD_ptr = itFD->second;
135  assert (lFD_ptr != NULL);
137  // Retrieve the key of the flight-date
138  const FlightNumber_T& lFlightNumber = lFD_ptr->getFlightNumber();
139  const Date_T& lFlightDateDate = lFD_ptr->getDepartureDate();
141  // Display only the requested flight number
142  if (iFlightNumber == 0 || iFlightNumber == lFlightNumber) {
144  // Create an empty property tree object for the current flight date
145  bpt::ptree lCurrFDTree;
147  // Put flight number in property tree
148  lCurrFDTree.put ("number", lFlightNumber);
149  // Put flight date date in property tree
150  lCurrFDTree.put ("date", lFlightDateDate);
152  // Put the current flight date tree in the flight date array
153  ioFDPropertyTree.push_back(std::make_pair("", lCurrFDTree));
155  }
156  }
157 #endif // BOOST_VERSION >= 104100
159  }
161  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
162  void BomJSONExport::
163  jsonExportFlightDateObjects (std::ostream& oStream,
164  const FlightDate& iFlightDate) {
166 #if BOOST_VERSION >= 104100
171  // Create an empty property tree object
172  bpt::ptree pt;
174  // Put the airline code in property tree
175  const AirlineCode_T& lAirlineCode = iFlightDate.getAirlineCode();
176  pt.put ("flight_date.airline_code", lAirlineCode);
178  // Put the flight number in property tree
179  const FlightNumber_T& lFlightNumber = iFlightDate.getFlightNumber();
180  pt.put ("flight_date.flight_number", lFlightNumber);
182  // Put the flight departure date in property tree
183  const Date_T& lFlightDateDate = iFlightDate.getDepartureDate();
184  const std::string& lDepartureDateStr =
185  boost::gregorian::to_simple_string (lFlightDateDate);
186  pt.put ("flight_date.departure_date", lDepartureDateStr);
191  // Create an empty legs array
192  bpt::ptree ptLegs;
194  // Recursively construct the legs array
195  jsonExportLegDate (ptLegs, iFlightDate);
197  // Add legs tree to the global property tree
198  pt.add_child ("flight_date.legs", ptLegs);
203  // Create an empty segments array
204  bpt::ptree ptSegments;
206  // Recursively construct the segments array
207  jsonExportSegmentDate (ptSegments, iFlightDate);
209  // Add segments tree to the global property tree
210  pt.add_child ("flight_date.segments", ptSegments);
212  // Write the property tree into the JSON stream.
213  write_json (oStream, pt);
215 #endif // BOOST_VERSION >= 104100
216  }
218  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
219  void BomJSONExport::jsonExportLegDate (bpt::ptree& ioLegDateListTree,
220  const FlightDate& iFlightDate) {
222  // Check whether there are LegDate objects
223  if (BomManager::hasList<LegDate> (iFlightDate) == false) {
224  return;
225  }
227  // Browse the leg-dates
228  const LegDateList_T& lLegDateList =
229  BomManager::getList<LegDate> (iFlightDate);
230  for (LegDateList_T::const_iterator itLD = lLegDateList.begin();
231  itLD != lLegDateList.end(); ++itLD) {
232  const LegDate* lLD_ptr = *itLD;
233  assert (lLD_ptr != NULL);
235 #if BOOST_VERSION >= 104100
237  // Create an empty property tree object for the current leg date
238  bpt::ptree lCurrLDTree;
240  // Put boarding point in property tree
241  const AirportCode_T& lBoardingPoint = lLD_ptr->getBoardingPoint();
242  lCurrLDTree.put ("board_point", lBoardingPoint);
243  // Put off point in property tree
244  const AirportCode_T& lOffPoint = lLD_ptr->getOffPoint();
245  lCurrLDTree.put ("off_point", lOffPoint);
246  // Put boarding date in property tree
247  const Date_T& lBoardingDate = lLD_ptr->getBoardingDate();
248  lCurrLDTree.put ("board_date", lBoardingDate);
249  // Put off date in property tree
250  const Date_T& lOffDate = lLD_ptr->getOffDate();
251  lCurrLDTree.put ("off_dDate", lOffDate);
252  // Put boarding time in property tree
253  const Duration_T& lBoardingTime = lLD_ptr->getBoardingTime();
254  lCurrLDTree.put ("board_time", lBoardingTime);
255  // Put off time in property tree
256  const Duration_T& lOffTime = lLD_ptr->getOffTime();
257  lCurrLDTree.put ("off_time", lOffTime);
258  // Put elapsed time in property tree
259  const Duration_T& lElapsedTime = lLD_ptr->getElapsedTime();
260  lCurrLDTree.put ("elapsed_time", lElapsedTime);
261  // Put date offset in property tree
262  const DateOffset_T& lDateOffset = lLD_ptr->getDateOffset();
263  lCurrLDTree.put ("date_offset", lDateOffset);
264  // Put time offset in property tree
265  const Duration_T& lTimeOffset = lLD_ptr->getTimeOffset();
266  lCurrLDTree.put ("time_offset", lTimeOffset);
267  // Put distance in property tree
268  const Distance_T& lDistance = lLD_ptr->getDistance();
269  lCurrLDTree.put ("distance", lDistance);
270  // Put capacity in property tree
271  const CabinCapacity_T& lCapacity = lLD_ptr->getCapacity();
272  lCurrLDTree.put ("capacity", lCapacity);
274  // Create an empty property tree object for the leg cabins array
275  // corresponding to the current leg date.
276  bpt::ptree lLegCabinArray;
278  // Recursively construct the leg cabins array
279  jsonExportLegCabin (lLegCabinArray, *lLD_ptr);
281  // Add the leg cabins array to the leg date tree
282  lCurrLDTree.add_child ("cabins", lLegCabinArray);
284  // Put the current leg date tree in the leg date list tree
285  ioLegDateListTree.push_back(std::make_pair("", lCurrLDTree));
287 #endif // BOOST_VERSION >= 104100
288  }
289  }
291  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
292  void BomJSONExport::jsonExportLegCabin (bpt::ptree& ioLegCabinListTree,
293  const LegDate& iLegDate) {
295  // Check whether there are LegCabin objects
296  if (BomManager::hasList<LegCabin> (iLegDate) == false) {
297  return;
298  }
300  // Browse the leg-cabins
301  const LegCabinList_T& lLegCabinList =
302  BomManager::getList<LegCabin> (iLegDate);
303  for (LegCabinList_T::const_iterator itLC = lLegCabinList.begin();
304  itLC != lLegCabinList.end(); ++itLC) {
305  const LegCabin* lLC_ptr = *itLC;
306  assert (lLC_ptr != NULL);
308 #if BOOST_VERSION >= 104100
310  // Create an empty property tree object for the current leg cabin
311  bpt::ptree lCurrLCTree;
312  bpt::ptree lCurrLCBPV;
314  // Put the cabin code in property tree
315  const CabinCode_T& lCabinCode = lLC_ptr->getCabinCode();
316  lCurrLCTree.put ("code", lCabinCode);
317  // Put the offered capacity in property tree
318  const CabinCapacity_T& lOfferedCapacity = lLC_ptr->getOfferedCapacity();
319  lCurrLCTree.put ("offed_cap", lOfferedCapacity);
320  // Put the physical capacity in property tree
321  const CabinCapacity_T& lPhysicalCapacity = lLC_ptr->getPhysicalCapacity();
322  lCurrLCTree.put ("phy_cap", lPhysicalCapacity);
323  // Put regrade adjustment in property tree
324  const CapacityAdjustment_T& lRegradeAdjustment = lLC_ptr->getRegradeAdjustment();
325  lCurrLCTree.put ("rgd_adj", lRegradeAdjustment);
326  // Put authorization level in property tree
327  const AuthorizationLevel_T& lAuthorizationLevel = lLC_ptr->getAuthorizationLevel();
328  lCurrLCTree.put ("au", lAuthorizationLevel);
329  // Put UPR in property tree
330  const UPR_T& lUPR = lLC_ptr->getUPR();
331  lCurrLCTree.put ("upr", lUPR);
332  // Put sold seats in property tree
333  const NbOfSeats_T& lNbOfSoldSeats = lLC_ptr->getSoldSeat();
334  lCurrLCTree.put ("ss", lNbOfSoldSeats);
335  // Put staff nb of seats in property tree
336  const NbOfSeats_T& lStaffNbOfSeats = lLC_ptr->getStaffNbOfSeats();
337  lCurrLCTree.put ("staff", lStaffNbOfSeats);
338  // Put waiting list nb of seats in property tree
339  const NbOfSeats_T& lWLNbOfSeats = lLC_ptr->getWLNbOfSeats();
340  lCurrLCTree.put ("wl", lWLNbOfSeats);
341  // Put group nb of seats in property tree
342  const NbOfSeats_T& lGroupNbOfSeats = lLC_ptr->getGroupNbOfSeats();
343  lCurrLCTree.put ("group", lGroupNbOfSeats);
344  // Put committed space in property tree
345  const CommittedSpace_T& lCommittedSpace = lLC_ptr->getCommittedSpace();
346  lCurrLCTree.put ("comm_space", lCommittedSpace);
347  // Put availability pool in property tree
348  const Availability_T& lAvailabilityPool = lLC_ptr->getAvailabilityPool();
349  lCurrLCTree.put ("av_pool", lAvailabilityPool);
350  // Put availability in property tree
351  const Availability_T& lAvailability = lLC_ptr->getAvailability();
352  lCurrLCTree.put ("avl", lAvailability);
353  // Put net availability in property tree
354  const Availability_T& lNetAvailability = lLC_ptr->getNetAvailability();
355  lCurrLCTree.put ("nav", lNetAvailability);
356  // Put gross availability in property tree
357  const Availability_T& lGrossAvailability = lLC_ptr->getGrossAvailability();
358  lCurrLCTree.put ("gav", lGrossAvailability);
359  // Put avg cancellation percentage in property tree
360  const OverbookingRate_T& lAvgCancellationPercentage =
361  lLC_ptr->getAvgCancellationPercentage();
362  lCurrLCTree.put ("acp", lAvgCancellationPercentage);
363  // Put ETB in property tree
364  const NbOfSeats_T& lExpectedToBoard = lLC_ptr->getETB();
365  lCurrLCTree.put ("etb", lExpectedToBoard );
366  // Put current bid price in property tree
367  const BidPrice_T& lCurrentBidPrice = lLC_ptr->getCurrentBidPrice();
368  lCurrLCTree.put ("bid_price", lCurrentBidPrice);
369  // Put current bid price vector in property tree
370  const BidPriceVector_T& lCurrentBidPriceVector =
371  lLC_ptr->getBidPriceVector();
372  std::ostringstream ostr;
373  BidPriceVector_T::const_iterator itBP = lCurrentBidPriceVector.begin();
374  while (itBP != lCurrentBidPriceVector.end()) {
375  ostr << *itBP;
376  ++itBP;
377  if (itBP != lCurrentBidPriceVector.end()) {
378  ostr << ",";
379  }
380  }
381  lCurrLCTree.put ("BPV", ostr.str());
383  // Create an empty property tree object for the buckets array
384  // corresponding to the current leg cabin.
385  bpt::ptree lBucketTree;
387  // Recursively construct the buckets array
388  jsonExportBucket (lBucketTree, *lLC_ptr);
390  // Add the buckets array to the leg cabin tree
391  lCurrLCTree.add_child ("buckets", lBucketTree);
393  // Put the current leg cabin tree in the leg cabin list tree
394  ioLegCabinListTree.push_back(std::make_pair("", lCurrLCTree));
396 #endif // BOOST_VERSION >= 104100
397  }
398  }
400  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
401  void BomJSONExport::jsonExportBucket (bpt::ptree& ioBucketListTree,
402  const LegCabin& iLegCabin) {
408  // Check whether there are Bucket objects
409  if (BomManager::hasList<Bucket> (iLegCabin) == false) {
410  return;
411  }
413  // Browse the buckets
414  const BucketList_T& lBucketList = BomManager::getList<Bucket> (iLegCabin);
415  for (BucketList_T::const_iterator itBuck = lBucketList.begin();
416  itBuck != lBucketList.end(); ++itBuck) {
417  const Bucket* lBucket_ptr = *itBuck;
418  assert (lBucket_ptr != NULL);
420 #if BOOST_VERSION >= 104100
422  // Create an empty property tree object for the current bucket
423  bpt::ptree lCurrBucketTree;
425  // Put yield in property tree
426  const Yield_T& lYieldRangeUpperValue =
427  lBucket_ptr->getYieldRangeUpperValue();
428  lCurrBucketTree.put ("yield", lYieldRangeUpperValue);
429  // Put seat_index in property tree
430  const SeatIndex_T& lSeatIndex = lBucket_ptr->getSeatIndex();
431  lCurrBucketTree.put ("si", lSeatIndex);
432  // Put sold_seats in property tree
433  const NbOfSeats_T& lSoldSeats = lBucket_ptr->getSoldSeats();
434  lCurrBucketTree.put ("ss", lSoldSeats);
435  // Put avaibility in property tree
436  const CabinCapacity_T& lAvailability = lBucket_ptr->getAvailability();
437  lCurrBucketTree.put ("av", lAvailability);
439  // Put the current bucket tree in the bucket list tree
440  ioBucketListTree.push_back(std::make_pair("", lCurrBucketTree));
442 #endif // BOOST_VERSION >= 104100
443  }
444  }
446  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
447  void BomJSONExport::jsonExportSegmentDate (bpt::ptree& ioSegmentDateTree,
448  const FlightDate& iFlightDate) {
450  // Check whether there are SegmentDate objects
451  if (BomManager::hasList<SegmentDate> (iFlightDate) == false) {
452  return;
453  }
455  // Browse the segment-dates
456  const SegmentDateList_T& lSegmentDateList =
457  BomManager::getList<SegmentDate> (iFlightDate);
458  for (SegmentDateList_T::const_iterator itSD = lSegmentDateList.begin();
459  itSD != lSegmentDateList.end(); ++itSD) {
460  const SegmentDate* lSD_ptr = *itSD;
461  assert (lSD_ptr != NULL);
463 #if BOOST_VERSION >= 104100
465  // Create an empty property tree object for the current segment date
466  bpt::ptree lCurrSDTree;
468  // Put segment key in property tree
469  lCurrSDTree.put ("segment", lSD_ptr->toString());
471  // Create an empty property tree object for the segment cabin array
472  // corresponding to the current segment date
473  bpt::ptree lSegmentCabinTree;
475  // Recursively construct the segment cabin array
476  jsonExportSegmentCabin (lSegmentCabinTree, *lSD_ptr);
478  // Add the segment cabin array to the tree of the current segment date
479  lCurrSDTree.add_child ("sub_classes", lSegmentCabinTree);
481  // Put segment date array in property tree
482  ioSegmentDateTree.push_back(std::make_pair("", lCurrSDTree));
484 #endif // BOOST_VERSION >= 104100
485  }
486  }
488  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
489  void BomJSONExport::jsonExportSegmentCabin (bpt::ptree& ioPropertyTree,
490  const SegmentDate& iSegmentDate) {
492  // Check whether there are SegmentCabin objects
493  if (BomManager::hasList<SegmentCabin> (iSegmentDate) == false) {
494  return;
495  }
497  // Browse the segment-cabins
498  const SegmentCabinList_T& lSegmentCabinList =
499  BomManager::getList<SegmentCabin> (iSegmentDate);
500  for (SegmentCabinList_T::const_iterator itSC = lSegmentCabinList.begin();
501  itSC != lSegmentCabinList.end(); ++itSC) {
502  const SegmentCabin* lSC_ptr = *itSC;
503  assert (lSC_ptr != NULL);
505 #if BOOST_VERSION >= 104100
506  // Create an empty property tree object for the current segment cabin
507  bpt::ptree lSCArray;
509  // Put cabin in property tree
511  lSCArray.put ("cabin_code",lSC_ptr->toString());
513  // Export the cabin tree to add fare-families and sub-classes details
514  jsonExportFareFamily (ioPropertyTree, lSCArray, *lSC_ptr);
516 #endif // BOOST_VERSION >= 104100
518  }
519  }
521  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
522  void BomJSONExport::jsonExportFareFamily (bpt::ptree& ioPropertyTree,
523  bpt::ptree& ioSCTree,
524  const SegmentCabin& iSegmentCabin) {
526  // Check whether there are FareFamily objects
527  if (BomManager::hasList<FareFamily> (iSegmentCabin) == true) {
529  // Browse the fare-families
530  const FareFamilyList_T& lFareFamilyList =
531  BomManager::getList<FareFamily> (iSegmentCabin);
532  for (FareFamilyList_T::const_iterator itFF = lFareFamilyList.begin();
533  itFF != lFareFamilyList.end(); ++itFF) {
534  const FareFamily* lFF_ptr = *itFF;
535  assert (lFF_ptr != NULL);
537  // Browse the booking-classes
538  const BookingClassList_T& lBookingClassList =
539  BomManager::getList<BookingClass> (*lFF_ptr);
540  for (BookingClassList_T::const_iterator itBC =
541  lBookingClassList.begin();
542  itBC != lBookingClassList.end(); ++itBC) {
543  const BookingClass* lBC_ptr = *itBC;
544  assert (lBC_ptr != NULL);
546 #if BOOST_VERSION >= 104100
548  // Put family code in property tree
549  const FamilyCode_T& lFamilyCode = lFF_ptr->getFamilyCode();
550  ioSCTree.put ("family_code", lFamilyCode);
552  // Export the cabin tree to add sub-classes details
553  jsonExportBookingClass (ioPropertyTree, ioSCTree, *lBC_ptr);
555 #endif // BOOST_VERSION >= 104100
557  }
558  }
559  } else {
561  // The fare family code is a fake one ('NoFF'), and therefore
562  // does not vary
563  const FamilyCode_T lDefaultFamilyCode ("NoFF");
565  // Browse the booking-classes, directly from the segment-cabin object
566  const BookingClassList_T& lBookingClassList =
567  BomManager::getList<BookingClass> (iSegmentCabin);
568  for (BookingClassList_T::const_iterator itBC =
569  lBookingClassList.begin();
570  itBC != lBookingClassList.end(); ++itBC) {
571  const BookingClass* lBC_ptr = *itBC;
572  assert (lBC_ptr != NULL);
574 #if BOOST_VERSION >= 104100
576  // Put family code in property tree
577  ioSCTree.put ("family_code", lDefaultFamilyCode);
579  // Export the cabin tree to add sub-classes details
580  jsonExportBookingClass (ioPropertyTree, ioSCTree, *lBC_ptr);
582 #endif // BOOST_VERSION >= 104100
583  }
584  }
585  }
587  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
588  void BomJSONExport::jsonExportBookingClass (bpt::ptree& ioPropertyTree,
589  bpt::ptree& ioSCTree,
590  const BookingClass& iBookingClass) {
597 #if BOOST_VERSION >= 104100
599  // Put sub class in property tree
600  ioSCTree.put ("class_code", iBookingClass.toString());
601  // Put authorization level in property tree
602  std::ostringstream oAUBlStr;
603  oAUBlStr << iBookingClass.getAuthorizationLevel();
604  //<< " (" << iBookingClass.getCumulatedBookingLimit()
605  //<< ") ";
606  ioSCTree.put ("au", oAUBlStr.str());
607  // Put negotiated space in property tree
608  const NbOfSeats_T& lNegotiatedSpace =
609  iBookingClass.getNegotiatedSpace();
610  ioSCTree.put ("nego", lNegotiatedSpace);
611  // Put no show percentage in property tree
612  const OverbookingRate_T& lNoShowPercentage =
613  iBookingClass.getNoShowPercentage();
614  ioSCTree.put ("ns%", lNoShowPercentage);
615  // Put cancellation percentage in property tree
616  const OverbookingRate_T& lCancellationPercentage =
617  iBookingClass.getCancellationPercentage();
618  ioSCTree.put ("ob%", lCancellationPercentage);
619  // Put sub nb of bookings in property tree
620  const NbOfBookings_T lNbOfBookings =
621  iBookingClass.getNbOfBookings();
622  ioSCTree.put ("bkgs", lNbOfBookings);
623  // Put nb of group bookings in property tree
624  const NbOfBookings_T& lNbOfGroupBookings =
625  iBookingClass.getNbOfGroupBookings();
626  ioSCTree.put ("grp_bks (pdg)", lNbOfGroupBookings);
627  // Put nb of staff bookings in property tree
628  const NbOfBookings_T& lNbOfStaffBookings =
629  iBookingClass.getNbOfStaffBookings();
630  ioSCTree.put ("stf_bkgs", lNbOfStaffBookings);
631  // Put nb of WL bookings in property tree
632  const NbOfBookings_T& lNbOfWLBookings =
633  iBookingClass.getNbOfWLBookings();
634  ioSCTree.put ("wl_bkgs", lNbOfWLBookings);
635  // Put ETB in property tree
636  const NbOfBookings_T& lETB = iBookingClass.getETB();
637  ioSCTree.put ("etb", lETB);
638  // Put net class availability in property tree
639  const Availability_T& lNetClassAvailability =
640  iBookingClass.getNetClassAvailability();
641  ioSCTree.put ("class_avl", lNetClassAvailability);
642  // Put segment availability in property tree
643  const Availability_T& lSegmentAvailability =
644  iBookingClass.getSegmentAvailability();
645  ioSCTree.put ("seg_avl", lSegmentAvailability);
646  // Put net revenue availability in property tree
647  const Availability_T& lNetRevenueAvailability =
648  iBookingClass.getNetRevenueAvailability();
649  ioSCTree.put ("rev_avl", lNetRevenueAvailability);
651  // Add the sub-classe (containing cabin and fare-families information)
652  // to the global tree
653  ioPropertyTree.push_back(std::make_pair("", ioSCTree));
655 #endif // BOOST_VERSION >= 104100
656  }
658  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
659  void BomJSONExport::
660  jsonExportBookingRequestObject (std::ostream& oStream,
661  const EventStruct& iEventStruct) {
663  // Get the current event type: it should be booking request
664  const EventType::EN_EventType& lEventType =
665  iEventStruct.getEventType();
666  assert (lEventType == EventType::BKG_REQ);
668  // Get the booking request (the current event type is booking request)
669  const BookingRequestStruct& lBookingRequest =
670  iEventStruct.getBookingRequest();
672 #if BOOST_VERSION >= 104100
674  // Create an empty property tree object for the current booking request
675  bpt::ptree ptBookingRequest;
677  // Put request date time in property tree
678  const DateTime_T& lRequestDateTime =
679  lBookingRequest.getRequestDateTime();
680  ptBookingRequest.put ("time_stamp", lRequestDateTime);
681  // Put event type in property tree
682  ptBookingRequest.put ("event_type", EventType::getLabel(lEventType));
683  // Put origin in property tree
684  const AirportCode_T& lOrigin = lBookingRequest.getOrigin();
685  ptBookingRequest.put ("org", lOrigin);
686  // Put destination in property tree
687  const AirportCode_T& lDestination = lBookingRequest.getDestination();
688  ptBookingRequest.put ("des", lDestination);
689  // Put preferred cabin in property tree
690  const CabinCode_T& lCabinCode = lBookingRequest.getPreferredCabin();
691  ptBookingRequest.put ("cab", lCabinCode);
692  // Put party size in property tree
693  const NbOfSeats_T& lNbOfSeats = lBookingRequest.getPartySize();
694  ptBookingRequest.put ("pax", lNbOfSeats);
695  // Put point-of-sale in property tree
696  const AirportCode_T& lPOS = lBookingRequest.getPOS();
697  ptBookingRequest.put ("pos", lPOS);
698  // Put channel in property tree
699  const ChannelLabel_T& lChannelLabel =
700  lBookingRequest.getBookingChannel();
701  ptBookingRequest.put ("cha", lChannelLabel);
702  // Put WTP in property tree
703  const WTP_T& lWTP = lBookingRequest.getWTP();
704  ptBookingRequest.put ("wtp", lWTP);
705  // Put request date in property tree
706  const Date_T& lRequestDate =
707  lRequestDateTime.boost::posix_time::ptime::date();
708  ptBookingRequest.put ("bkg_date", lRequestDate);
709  // Put departure date in property tree
710  const Date_T& lPreferedDepartureDate =
711  lBookingRequest.getPreferedDepartureDate();
712  ptBookingRequest.put ("dep_date", lPreferedDepartureDate);
713  // Put advance purchase in property tree
714  assert (lPreferedDepartureDate >= lRequestDate);
715  const DateOffset_T& lAdvancePurchase =
716  lPreferedDepartureDate - lRequestDate;
717  ptBookingRequest.put ("adv_purchase", lAdvancePurchase);
718  // Put stay duration in property tree
719  const DayDuration_T& lStayDuration =
720  lBookingRequest.getStayDuration();
721  ptBookingRequest.put ("stay_duration", lStayDuration);
722  // Put return date in property tree
723  const DateOffset_T lDayDuration (lStayDuration);
724  const Date_T& lReturnDate =
725  lPreferedDepartureDate + lDayDuration;
726  ptBookingRequest.put ("return_date", lReturnDate);
727  // Put cancellation date in property tree
728  // TODO: cancellation date
729  ptBookingRequest.put ("cancel_date", "xxxx-xx-xx");
730  // Put preferred departure time in property tree
731  const Duration_T& lPreferredDepartureTime =
732  lBookingRequest.getPreferredDepartureTime();
733  ptBookingRequest.put ("dep_time", lPreferredDepartureTime);
734  // Put preferred return time in property tree
735  // TODO: preferred return time
736  ptBookingRequest.put ("return_time", "xxPM");
737  // Put preferred carriers in property tree
738  // TODO: preferred carriers
739  ptBookingRequest.put ("pref_carriers", "XX");
741  // Write the property tree into the JSON stream.
742  write_json (oStream, ptBookingRequest);
744 #endif // BOOST_VERSION >= 104100
745  }
747  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
748  void BomJSONExport::
749  jsonExportBreakPointObject (std::ostream& oStream,
750  const EventStruct& iEventStruct) {
752  // Get the current event type: it should be break point
753  const EventType::EN_EventType& lEventType =
754  iEventStruct.getEventType();
755  assert (lEventType == EventType::BRK_PT);
757  // Get the break point (the current event type is break point)
758  const BreakPointStruct& lBreakPoint =
759  iEventStruct.getBreakPoint();
761 #if BOOST_VERSION >= 104100
763  // Create an empty property tree object for the current break point
764  bpt::ptree ptBreakPoint;
766  // Put break point date time in property tree
767  const DateTime_T& lRequestDateTime =
768  lBreakPoint.getBreakPointTime();
769  ptBreakPoint.put ("time_stamp", lRequestDateTime);
770  // Put event type in property tree
771  ptBreakPoint.put ("event_type", EventType::getLabel(lEventType));
773  // Write the property tree into the JSON stream.
774  write_json (oStream, ptBreakPoint);
777 #endif // BOOST_VERSION >= 104100
778  }
780 }
const AirportCode_T & getDestination() const
const DateTime_T & getBreakPointTime() const
std::map< const MapKey_T, FlightDate * > FlightDateMap_T
const Duration_T & getPreferredDepartureTime() const
LocationCode_T AirportCode_T
std::string CabinCode_T
const Date_T & getDepartureDate() const
Definition: FlightDate.hpp:67
boost::posix_time::ptime DateTime_T
static void jsonExportBreakPointObject(std::ostream &, const EventStruct &)
const DayDuration_T & getStayDuration() const
double Availability_T
std::vector< BidPrice_T > BidPriceVector_T
unsigned short FlightNumber_T
Handle on the StdAir library context.
boost::posix_time::time_duration Duration_T
const EventType::EN_EventType & getEventType() const
Definition: EventStruct.hpp:41
const NbOfSeats_T & getPartySize() const
std::string AirlineCode_T
const ChannelLabel_T & getBookingChannel() const
NbOfRequests_T NbOfBookings_T
std::string FamilyCode_T
char ptree
const Date_T & getPreferedDepartureDate() const
const AirlineCode_T & getAirlineCode() const
Definition: Inventory.hpp:56
static void jsonExportFlightDateList(std::ostream &, const BomRoot &, const AirlineCode_T &iAirlineCode="all", const FlightNumber_T &iFlightNumber=0)
const FlightNumber_T & getFlightNumber() const
Definition: FlightDate.hpp:62
const AirportCode_T & getOrigin() const
double NbOfSeats_T
std::list< BookingClass * > BookingClassList_T
std::list< SegmentDate * > SegmentDateList_T
std::list< SegmentCabin * > SegmentCabinList_T
const BookingRequestStruct & getBookingRequest() const
Definition: EventStruct.hpp:59
static void jsonExportBookingRequestObject(std::ostream &, const EventStruct &)
std::list< FareFamily * > FareFamilyList_T
const AirlineCode_T & getAirlineCode() const
Definition: FlightDate.cpp:37
static void jsonExportFlightDateObjects(std::ostream &, const FlightDate &)
const BreakPointStruct & getBreakPoint() const
std::list< LegDate * > LegDateList_T
static const std::string & getLabel(const EN_EventType &)
Definition: EventType.cpp:83
Class representing the actual attributes for an airline inventory.
Definition: Inventory.hpp:34
const CityCode_T & getPOS() const
double AuthorizationLevel_T
boost::gregorian::date Date_T
unsigned int SeatIndex_T
const CabinCode_T & getPreferredCabin() const
Class representing the actual attributes for the Bom root.
Definition: BomRoot.hpp:32
std::list< Inventory * > InventoryList_T
boost::gregorian::date_duration DateOffset_T
std::list< LegCabin * > LegCabinList_T
std::list< Bucket * > BucketList_T
Definition: BucketTypes.hpp:17
Class representing the actual attributes for an airline flight-date.
Definition: FlightDate.hpp:35
Structure holding the elements of a booking request.
double CapacityAdjustment_T
unsigned long int Distance_T
const DateTime_T & getRequestDateTime() const
std::string ChannelLabel_T