StdAir Logo  1.00.3
C++ Standard Airline IT Object Library
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About StdAir

StdAir aims at providing a clean API, and the corresponding C++ implementation, for the basis of Airline IT and travel distribution Business Object Model (BOM), that is, to be used by several other open source projects, including all the components of the Travel Market Simulator (, such as AirRAC, RMOL, AirInv, AvlCal, AirTSP, SimFQT, SimLFS, SimCRS, TravelCCM, SEvMgr, TraDemGen, and TvlSim.

StdAir mainly targets simulation purposes. N Indeed, StdAir is the fundamental brick of the Travel Market Simulator. However, it may be used in a stand-alone mode.

StdAir makes an extensive use of existing open-source libraries for increased functionality, speed and accuracy. In particular Boost (C++ STL Extensions) library is used.

The StdAir library originates from the Travel Intelligence (TI) Business Unit (BI) at Amadeus. StdAir is released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPLv2.1) for you to enjoy.

StdAir should work on GNU/Linux, Sun Solaris, Microsoft Windows (with Cygwin, MinGW/MSYS, or Microsoft Visual C++ .NET) and Mac OS X operating systems.

StdAir has been packaged for RedHat/CentOS/Fedora. On RedHat/CentOS, you have to enable the EPEL repositories.

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(N) - The StdAir library is NOT intended, in any way, to be used by airlines, or by anyone else, for production systems. If you want to report issue, bug or feature request, or if you just want to give feedback, have a look on the right-hand side of this page for the preferred reporting methods. In any case, please do not contact Amadeus directly for any matter related to StdAir.